Home Work Club
- This program will be evening sessions every Mondays to Fridays from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm - Students are supported with Home Work, projects, assignments, incomplete work, etc. - Transportation available from elementary schools in the catchment areas
$145.00 + tax /week or $450.00 + tax per month **NOTE: Payments can also be made by e-transfer, check, cash, or PayPal (this link is found on the Contact page).
Saturday Boost
- This program will run Saturdays from 8:30 to 12:30 - To catch up on missed lessons or for extra support
$45.00 + tax for the 4 hours **NOTE: Payments can also be made by e-transfer, check, cash, or PayPal (this link is found on the Contact page).
Winter Camp
-This program will run for two weeks over the Winter Break in December (dates varies by year) by the day, 08:00 am - 4:30 pm - Program is available on a day to day basis - A more relaxed program, consisting of mostly Numeracy and Literacy games and activities
$55.00 + tax per day **NOTE: Payments can also be made by e-transfer, check, cash, or PayPal (this link is found on the Contact page).
Spring Camp
- Check our website regularly for updates - 08:00 am to 4:00 pm - Lunch ONLY included - Children bring their own snacks - Transportation available to and from camp
$350.00 + tax for the week **NOTE: Payments can also be made by e-transfer, check, cash, or PayPal (this link is found on the Contact page).
Summer Camp
Check our website regularly for updates - 09:00 am to 4:00 pm daily - Morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack included - Field Trip costs are included - Water bottles given to each camper compliments of Three R's - Transportation may be available to and from camp
$400.00 + tax per week **NOTE: Payments can also be made by e-transfer, check, cash, or PayPal (this link is found on the Contact page).
- Safe driving by A class driver and fully insured and safety passed vehicle.
Summer Homework Club (After School Care) Transportation ONLY (non-participant of our programs) **NOTE: Payments can also be made by e-transfer, check, cash, or PayPal (this link is found on the Contact page).